Hire Charlotte Car Show Models for the Charlotte International Auto Show 2015

You’ve spent months organizing, planning, and preparing for this year’s Charlotte International Auto Show. So how is your team going to stand out? That’s a no brainer! Consider hiring Charlotte car show models to aid your team with assisting attendees, building stronger relationships, generating more leads, and closing sales at your booth this year.
Advantages of Hiring Car Show Models for the 2015 Charlotte International Auto show
Hiring car show models and auto show girls for the Charlotte International Auto Show is a great way to spread the word about your automotive products and will give your team a leading edge that you need over other automotive exhibitors at the show. But, how do they do that?
Our car show models not only possess beauty, they also possess high levels of intelligence, and a great deal of knowledge about car shows and automotive products. All car show models have much experience in working car shows. They know exactly how to attract attendees to your booth and get them so excited about your latest vehicles that they fall in love with them. These car show models also have the skills necessary to easily memorize and communicate information about your products to your perspective customers, increasing your brand’s presence at the Charlotte International Auto Show.
Charlotte Car Show Models & Auto Show Girls
Not sure if hiring Charlotte car show models is the right marketing move for your team at the Charlotte International Auto Show this year? Here are 7 reasons why your team should consider hiring Charlotte auto show girls.
• Attract instant attention to your brand with their beautiful looks and welcoming personalities,
• Create a fun and entertaining booth atmosphere,
• Convey accurate and useful information about your automobiles and the latest tech gear,
• Create an unparalleled first impression with attendees,
• Collect and qualify auto show leads,
• Hand out promotional items, flyers and other handouts,
• And so much more!
To hire professional, knowledgeable, and experienced auto show models for your booth at the Charlotte International Auto Show this year, contact us today! We will then contact you to learn more about your event staffing team and begin the model selection process.