Promotional Modeling Tips – 5 Types of MUST HAVE Photos for Your Model Profile

Promotional Modeling Tips – 5 Types of MUST HAVE Photos for Your Model Profile
Today, for what seems like the millionth time in the past few weeks, I received an email from an upset promotional model inquiring about her model profile and why she isn’t getting booked. As I do with every model profile concern or question that comes into my inbox, I pulled up her profile to see what the deal was. What I saw was a poorly cropped selfie starring back at me. It seems that lately, the selfie has become an unhealthy epidemic in the promotional modeling industry, and I feel that it’s high time to set the record straight. If you want more bookings, then it’s time your promotional modeling profile photos got an overhaul. Here are 5 types of photos clients and event staffing agencies are looking for in promotional modeling profiles antabuse tablets online. #NoMoreSelfies
Promotional Modeling Tips – 5 Types of MUST HAVE Profile Photos
1. Professional Headshot –
Being in the promotional modeling industry, I thought this tip was a no-brainer. Turns out, I’m wrong. If you expect your model profile to get anywhere in this industry then you must have a professional headshot. Think of it this way, clients and agencies view 100s of model profiles a day, having a professional headshot is the fastest and easiest way for you to say to the client “I’m professional, friendly, and the best candidate to represent your brand.” Your profile only has a few seconds to impress, so make sure the first image is the best one you’ve got. And, if we’re speaking honestly right now, would you hire a promotional model to represent your company whose main profile photo is a selfie? We didn’t think so. #NoMoreSelfies
Promotional Modeling Tip: If you’re new to the promotional modeling industry and don’t have professional photos yet, that’s fine. Instead, have a friend or family member take a headshot of you standing in front of a plain wall or solid color background. This type of headshot will work well until you have the chance to have professional photos taken. As they say, fake it until you make it!
2. Candid Photos –
While a professional (or professional looking) headshot is a MUST for your main profile image. Candid photos are a must for the additional images in your profile. Candid photos help the client to see what you actually look like, without all that airbrushing. Feel free to show off your best side in these candid photos, but whatever you do, don’t submit group photos. Group photos are frustrating for both clients and agencies because it’s not 100% clear which model you are in the photo.
3. Event Photos –
Another type of photo that you should have in your promotional modeling profile are event photos. These photos help clients and agencies get a feel for what you look like on the trade show floor and what type of promotional events you’ve worked in the past. Plus, event photos are also categorized as candid photos, so they are a win-win all around and very appreciated by both clients and agencies.
4. Professional/Fashion Photos –
While candid and event photos are the number 1 and 2 types of photos to have in your profile, it doesn’t hurt to have a few professional photos thrown in the mix as well. Professional and/or fashion photos help to reveal another side to your modeling experience and show clients how comfortable you are in front of a camera. Plus, it doesn’t hurt to use your promotional modeling profile as a platform to help network and expand your modeling career.
Promotional Modeling Tip: Don’t overdo it. Too many professional and/or fashion photos will turn clients and agencies away because they won’t be sure what you actually look like. Remember, this is the promotional modeling industry. In the promotional modeling industry, you’re meeting, greeting, and interacting with clients face-to-face and it’s important the client and agency know what you look like in person.
5. Variety of Photos –
Finally, the last promotional modeling tip for model photos is to include a variety of photos in your profile. Let the client and agency see you in a variety of different setting, outfits, hairstyles, etc. Use these photos to show your diversity and what type of look you can bring to their promotion.
When it comes to model profile photos, the bottom line is if you want to increase your bookings, then your profile photos need to be at the top of their game. #NoMoreSelfies! Want more tips on how to increase your promotional model booking chances? Check out this blog: Why Am I Not Getting Hired as a Promotional Model? Did I forget something? Comment below and let us know!