Promotional Modeling Annoyances

The Top Ten Things That Annoy Promotional Models
In the last month I’ve polled an audience of fellow promotional models to find their top 10 advice or annoyances when booking a job. These are the top 10 in order. If after reading this you still need more advice on working with promotional models, check out my post: The Top Ten Things You Should Know Before Hiring Event Staff.
#10 Paying for Transportation
The client should always be paying transportation… Especially in big cities and certainly if a promotional model is transporting goods for you.
#9 Lunch Time Pay
Lunch hour should never be deducted from a models pay.
#8 Lengthy Conference Calls
Conference calls lasting over half an hour are useless. No one is paying attention. You would do better with a one sheet.
#7 Dirty Cloths
Don’t ask for the shirts back at the end of a shift if they have been provided. It’s cheap and models think it’s gross.
#6 Low Wages
You get what you pay for… If You need an intelligent eloquent woman… 18hr won’t cut it… For that pay you’re getting a warm body and a half hearted promise that they will show up.
#5 Flip Flopping
“If it ain’t broke…” Don’t continuously change mundane things. There is nothing more frustrating than having to relearn and redo the same job multiple times.
#4 Pictures and Videos
If you take video, photos etc let your promo model know it’s happening before the contract goes out. Also, never use that footage commercially. Pay models for the job they do.
#3 Dating a Model
No, your model won’t go on a date with you. Not only is it unprofessional… It’s against our code of contact.
#2 Unclear Expectations
Please be very clear about your expectations! Don’t sell a job as easy and fun when in reality it’s picking up pennies in a snow storm.
#1 Khaki Pants
N0 khakis… Under any circumstances. Ever. Unless you just want your staff to look like car salesmen or golf caddies from the 80’s.