A Letter To Vantage Models

A Letter To Vantage Promo Models
Dear Vantage Advertising Models,
Take a good look at Vantage Advertising’s’ social media pages; Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, even our website, because it’s about to get a lot easier for you models! My name is Jackie Myers, and I am excited to announce my position as the new Social Media Strategist for Vantage Advertising. My goal, and #1 priority is to help you models increase the number of jobs you book, and of course the money you make from promotional modeling!
First, let me tell you about myself! I was born and raised in Rochester, NY. I’ve lived in Philadelphia, NYC & Binghamton, NY but somehow made my way back to the ROC. For the past five years I have been dabbling in the world of radio. I’ve worked as a producer, social media expert and even co-hosted my own morning show. During my time in radio, I worked as a part-time trade show model just like all of you! I’ve worked home & garden expos, alcohol promotions, grand openings and a lot more. While I enjoyed the radio industry very much, I found it to be more of a hobby than a career and decided it was time for a change. And now, here I am!
Our social media pages have been a great tool for informing you models on current job openings and modeling opportunities, but there is more to be done. Starting next week, one of our many talented models will write a blog post discussing what they’ve learned from working in the industry. This will include; how to be successful, why clients should choose Vantage, what modeling gigs pay the most money and much more! Along with these informative posts, we will also be introducing a new segment, #ModelTipMonday. These post will include short videos from experienced, successful Vantage models providing tips on appearance, how to work different types of shows, appealing to the masses and more. These new features will be here to help you models better educate yourselves on the industry!
Now, there’s something I need from all of you … Tell me what YOU want to learn! What confuses you about certain trade shows, what’s the proper amount of makeup you should wear, how do you effectively promote a brand, or anything else you’ve been dying to ask the other trade show models? Now is your chance! Either leave a comment on one of our social media sites or shoot me an email (Jaclin@models4tradeshows.com) with any questions you have!
I can’t thank you models enough for doing the terrific jobs you already do. I am looking forward to working with all of you and helping you better your talents and improve your bookings!
Jackie Myers
Social Media Strategist, Vantage Advertising